Saturday, January 28, 2017

Evolutionary psychology and human existence

Few years back I was fortunate to hear online lectures from course on Introduction to Psychology” by a Mr. Paul Bloom of Yale University in website. He briefed on an important branch of psychology - the "Evolutionary psychology".

Evolutionary psychology tells that, human psychology is shaped by nature in a way to support continuation of existence of human race. The nature fills various emotions into human psycho-systems (individual psychology, social psychology) fo in line with the same cause. The cause of love, attraction, romance etc., are explained using evolutionary psychology very easily as they support existence of human race in future. 

However, we often hear about massacres, murders etc., which might make us suspect on existence of such tendencies in human psychology. But, can you imagine how much effort is put for security of people versus how much effort is put for conducting the heinous crimes. The circuit farmer is much more than the latter. Which indicates that, as a whole human race shows more will to continue its existence. At large, people oppose anti-existence efforts because, any destructive action at a remote location may eventually scale up to destruction of their own selves.

Thus far, I have given you an introduction to evolutionary psychology. Below, I have detailed my deductions from the existing theories of evolutionary psychology.

There are things like nuclear weapons, biological weapons etc., which give a feeling that they can possibly erase whole human race. But, the psychological alignments within a society never let it happen. The people controlling nuclear weapons must be under enormous psychological stress caused by their understanding of enormity of destruction that can happen due to their actions. The post nuclear bombing dairies of nuclear weapon handlers in Hiroshima and Nagasaki attack show this. Repentance of Alfred Noble shows how psychology of an individual may suffer after paving way to mass destructions.

Also, decades after nuclear power was discovered and exhibited to be disastrous, we haven't seen their usage after 2nd world war, even if there were conflicts between countries possessing nuclear power. This shows that, the human morality supported by intricate psychology beneath it, is never anti-existence at a large scale.

Origin of consciousness about pollution, child education etc., are all results of nature aligning our psychology with evolution. Environmental activists emerge due to the element in human psychology which wants to ensure continuity of existence of human race.

In summary, humans have intrinsically an element in their character which works for human race's  prolonged existence.

How nature outweighs pro-existence against anti-existence tendencies within humans is a question as intriguing as the question how it balances male/female ratio. Also, a question of 'how long human race will continue' is worth attending. An answer for this question would be - human race will be there until when continuation of human race means complete destruction of earth. Another answer may be - until when the nature changes its game plan.

Today, human race seems to be largely at advantage when we measure fitness for survival. Our average life expectancy has increased. Human population has grown.

But, at a future point in time, human race might start decaying drastically, if nature chooses to. This might be triggered not only by natural calamities, epidemics etc., but also, a psychological shift in human beings resulting in decrease in their own count. The psychological shift might result in:
  1. Wide practice of unproductive mating habits 
  2. Social psychological disorders like mass-suicidal tendencies 
  3. Increase in tendencies to use material destruction methods like nuclear bombing etc. 
All above 3 are safety valves inculcated into human psychology by nature. So that, when these animals with brain’ become uncontrollable and are about to cause destruction of whole ecosystem, this valve can be opened to save the world from disaster. I believe that, nature has mechanized human psychology to open one or more of these valves at a threshold level of human civilization. 

Such a situation will be an indication of nature terming humans as "no more fit for survival. That is when human will need to considerably adjust their way of living to prove
that they still remain 'fit for survival'. We will get this chance if nature gives enough time or enough wit to understand the situation. If no, we have no other option than, to accept the bitter fact the nature has decided to scrap humans from earth for good and chosen other more fit’ living beings to live further.

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